Friday 31 August 2018


For a couple of weeks I have been making Pixtons about life in space and if you don't know what Pixton is it is a website that you can make comics there are many characters and props you can also change the colours, emotion and pose you can also shrink and grow the characters and I used all that to create and trilogy of life in space what was hard is how to make a good comic and to make the comics carry on but in the end I finished them and they came out good

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Speech reflection

This week we did our speeches mine was about why plastic bags should be banned I was really scared when it was my turn class went in the other room and we were in the other room and we were in our reading groups because half of the

Thursday 16 August 2018

Pink Dolphins

Last term we red a book called The Explorer it's about a plane that crash in the amazon jungle and 4 people survived the crash and their names were Con,Lila,Max, and Fed and the book was for a thing called chapter chat and the last week of chapter chat of that book we got to make a slide of anything from the book I chose the Pink Dolphin what was challenging for me was finding out about them

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Why Plastic Should Be Banned

Last term we did persuasive writing mine is about why plastic should be banned this is all the writing I did of my reasons why plastic should be banned. Challenges for me is finding out reasons maybe what I do next time is have more writing

Friday 10 August 2018

Mathathon & Second mind lab trip

This week we did a thing called a mathathon it is where you knock on peoples doors and ask them if they will support us in our mathathon. they will give you money for each answer you get right and next Friday we bring the money to school. we are raising this money for our camp at the end of the year I am so excited for that.
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Also yesterday we went back to mind lab and use did some more stuff with the micro bit this time we made our own game what was really hard was the designing and to get the game working because there was so much alligator clips to keep track of but other than that it was really fun and new learning for me and my group
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Tuesday 7 August 2018

Mind Lab

Last week me and some of the kids in my group went to a place called mind lab. it's a place where you do fun stuff with technology and when I was there we used a thing called a micro bit. a micro bit is a little chip like thing where you can make it do anything like a guitar but we had to make a smart dice and a rock, paper, scissors game it was really fun and the next time we go is next week I am very excited to go back 
Image result for micro bit