Tuesday 7 August 2018

Mind Lab

Last week me and some of the kids in my group went to a place called mind lab. it's a place where you do fun stuff with technology and when I was there we used a thing called a micro bit. a micro bit is a little chip like thing where you can make it do anything like a guitar but we had to make a smart dice and a rock, paper, scissors game it was really fun and the next time we go is next week I am very excited to go back 
Image result for micro bit

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayden

    It sounds so interesting what you are doing with the micro bits, we have also been doing some work with the micro bits at our school and we come across some challenges. What have some of the challenges that you have had over this journey? If you would like to vist my blog copy and paste this into your search bar https://makaurimattm.blogspot.com/


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