Friday 21 September 2018

Fox research

This week I had to write a report of an animal and I chose a fox or a kitsune in Japanese because a fox is my favourite animal and it was super fun and good learning for me. I felt challenged when I had to figure out how many species of foxes there were because to find out where they came from and their habitats but I figured it out and found out there were 37 species of foxes and I only had to find out 3 places of the world some foxes lived and 3 habitats. I can improve this by getting more research about foxes and get help from a person who knows about foxes or just choose a animal I know things about and I would not be stuck on the habitat or country it is from. and here is a question to you,If you had to write a report about an animal what animal will it be comment your answer

Friday 14 September 2018

Second to last trip to Mindlab

last Thursday I went to mindlab for the second to last time this year and this week we had to get into groups of 3 and I was in a pair with my friend Cassidy and cousin Michael  we had to put everything back together from 2 weeks ago it was really hard to remember everything but in the end we did it

next thing we had to do was the coding and that was really successful thanks to Michael and my job was to hold the wheels so they wouldn't get tangled up because we couldn't build until next week so we just had fun with the wheels until our next instructions but the only instruction was to see if the car worked and then after that it was time to go and are going back for the final in 1 week I can't wait for that

Tuesday 11 September 2018


  • We were learning about how to use blogger
  • I found it easy to use HTML
  • I found it hard to come up with a character name 
  • I really enjoyed making my character
  • Next time I need to make a good design
  • My Blog Post shows I am Stepping Up