Friday 21 September 2018

Fox research

This week I had to write a report of an animal and I chose a fox or a kitsune in Japanese because a fox is my favourite animal and it was super fun and good learning for me. I felt challenged when I had to figure out how many species of foxes there were because to find out where they came from and their habitats but I figured it out and found out there were 37 species of foxes and I only had to find out 3 places of the world some foxes lived and 3 habitats. I can improve this by getting more research about foxes and get help from a person who knows about foxes or just choose a animal I know things about and I would not be stuck on the habitat or country it is from. and here is a question to you,If you had to write a report about an animal what animal will it be comment your answer

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kayden I did not realise that there were 37 different kinds of foxes. I think it is positive that you researched something you didn't already know a lot about. If I had to write a report about an animal it would be Maui dolphin.


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