Tuesday 19 June 2018


My name is Kayden. I am from Te Hapara School. I have three brothers and two sisters.  I am half Maori and half English. I get the Maori from my mum and English from my Dad.

My favourite subject is maths. I am really good at it. I really enjoy it but the challenges for me is division. It is hard for me. My goals for this year is to get better at fractions.

I am looking forward to softball. My inspiration is my mum. She was the reason I started playing softball. She also inspired my one of my brothers and sisters and they are really good at it but I might need more training.


  1. Kia ora, I am Rebecca from Makauri School.
    I really liked how you explained what you need to work on in maths.
    I learnt that you have a passion for softball.
    Maybe you could add more about yourself & what you like doing.
    If you would like to see my learning visit my blog here
    Mā te wā

    Mā te wā

  2. Thank you Rebecca for the positive comment. thank you for the feedback and your blog is really amazing


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