Wednesday 5 December 2018

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Friday 16 November 2018

Titirangi hill walk

On Friday the 9th of November we went up Kati hill and found out the real name was Titrangi which was the name of our syndicate. we were suppose to go on the trail but it was closed for renovations so we went up the hill and learnt much things like the three wakas which were takitimu,horouta,a the third one I do not remember they also talked about the three rivers going through turanganui-a-kiwa which were turanganui,waimata and taruheru which were split by waiwihiroa.

Friday 9 November 2018


Two weeks ago we had to write a recount from a list of topics and I chose to write about a time I got lost and I got to write a imaginative 

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Smart surfing

Today I worked on Smart Surfing.
 I learnt that Captain cook discovered NZ in 1769
 I found it hard to Speak clearly
 I found it easy to get it done
 Next time I need to Say Te Hapara more clearly
 This blog post shows I am a Smart Learner blogger

Friday 26 October 2018

Little house on the prairie

for a whole term we were reading a book called Little house on the prairie that we recently finished it. the book is about a family called the ingalls their names were Mary,Laura,Carrie,Charles and Caroline. they moved from their old house because it was to crowded where they lived and they chose to live in the prairie and they had to use a wagon because cars weren't a thing when they lived and on their trails they had to stop to make camp a couple of times but a tragic thing that happened was they had to cross a creek and their dog Jack got lost and they thought he died but he didn't they found that out when they thought saw a wolf and Charles nearly shot it and luckily he didn't because it was their dog Jack they were so happy to see him they thought they lost him in a chapter they started building their house and they had to do it quick because there were actual wolves coming fifty of them and Caroline sprained her leg.

a couple chapters after that two Indians came to the house while Charles was out hunting for food and Mary and Laura were worried for Carrie and Caroline which was their ma and Charles was their pa and they were worried they were going to let Jack off his chain to kill the Indians but Charles said not to let off his chain so they listened but Laura went inside to see what was happening and the Indians were by the fireplace that they built when Caroline sprained her leg and the story took so long to finish

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Seeking Help

We were learning about seeking help when things go wrong online. Today I learnt how to be a upstander
I found it easy to take a screenshot
I found it hard to think of seeking help tips
I really enjoyed making a poster
Next time I need to be focused on my work
My Blog Post shows I am a Stepping Up blogger

Friday 19 October 2018

Mike Dawson visits our school

Today an Olympic ambassador for New Zealand came to our school and his name was Mike Dawson he did kayaking when he was in the Olympics. he brought some of his gear that he used and Savannah got to put it on he even brought his paddle which was made of carbon  showed a slide of him in the Olympics in Brazil and and how he gave food to the people living on the streets, in the slide was a picture of the track he was on and I couldn't believe someone did that all like they had to manually raise ground and dig out the ground so they can put they water in it was so cool how he gave food to homeless and he didn't want anything back. after all that we got to ask him questions like who or what inspired you to kayak and much more and he answered every single question



Tuesday 16 October 2018


We were learning about Netiquette.
 I found it easy to copy and paste things
 I found it hard to think of Netiquette do's and not do's
 I really enjoyed making a avatar
 Next time I need to Finish quicker
My Blog Post shows I am a Stepping Up

Friday 21 September 2018

Fox research

This week I had to write a report of an animal and I chose a fox or a kitsune in Japanese because a fox is my favourite animal and it was super fun and good learning for me. I felt challenged when I had to figure out how many species of foxes there were because to find out where they came from and their habitats but I figured it out and found out there were 37 species of foxes and I only had to find out 3 places of the world some foxes lived and 3 habitats. I can improve this by getting more research about foxes and get help from a person who knows about foxes or just choose a animal I know things about and I would not be stuck on the habitat or country it is from. and here is a question to you,If you had to write a report about an animal what animal will it be comment your answer

Friday 14 September 2018

Second to last trip to Mindlab

last Thursday I went to mindlab for the second to last time this year and this week we had to get into groups of 3 and I was in a pair with my friend Cassidy and cousin Michael  we had to put everything back together from 2 weeks ago it was really hard to remember everything but in the end we did it

next thing we had to do was the coding and that was really successful thanks to Michael and my job was to hold the wheels so they wouldn't get tangled up because we couldn't build until next week so we just had fun with the wheels until our next instructions but the only instruction was to see if the car worked and then after that it was time to go and are going back for the final in 1 week I can't wait for that

Tuesday 11 September 2018


  • We were learning about how to use blogger
  • I found it easy to use HTML
  • I found it hard to come up with a character name 
  • I really enjoyed making my character
  • Next time I need to make a good design
  • My Blog Post shows I am Stepping Up

Friday 31 August 2018


For a couple of weeks I have been making Pixtons about life in space and if you don't know what Pixton is it is a website that you can make comics there are many characters and props you can also change the colours, emotion and pose you can also shrink and grow the characters and I used all that to create and trilogy of life in space what was hard is how to make a good comic and to make the comics carry on but in the end I finished them and they came out good

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Speech reflection

This week we did our speeches mine was about why plastic bags should be banned I was really scared when it was my turn class went in the other room and we were in the other room and we were in our reading groups because half of the

Thursday 16 August 2018

Pink Dolphins

Last term we red a book called The Explorer it's about a plane that crash in the amazon jungle and 4 people survived the crash and their names were Con,Lila,Max, and Fed and the book was for a thing called chapter chat and the last week of chapter chat of that book we got to make a slide of anything from the book I chose the Pink Dolphin what was challenging for me was finding out about them

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Why Plastic Should Be Banned

Last term we did persuasive writing mine is about why plastic should be banned this is all the writing I did of my reasons why plastic should be banned. Challenges for me is finding out reasons maybe what I do next time is have more writing

Friday 10 August 2018

Mathathon & Second mind lab trip

This week we did a thing called a mathathon it is where you knock on peoples doors and ask them if they will support us in our mathathon. they will give you money for each answer you get right and next Friday we bring the money to school. we are raising this money for our camp at the end of the year I am so excited for that.
Related image

Also yesterday we went back to mind lab and use did some more stuff with the micro bit this time we made our own game what was really hard was the designing and to get the game working because there was so much alligator clips to keep track of but other than that it was really fun and new learning for me and my group
Related image

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Mind Lab

Last week me and some of the kids in my group went to a place called mind lab. it's a place where you do fun stuff with technology and when I was there we used a thing called a micro bit. a micro bit is a little chip like thing where you can make it do anything like a guitar but we had to make a smart dice and a rock, paper, scissors game it was really fun and the next time we go is next week I am very excited to go back 
Image result for micro bit

Tuesday 19 June 2018


My name is Kayden. I am from Te Hapara School. I have three brothers and two sisters.  I am half Maori and half English. I get the Maori from my mum and English from my Dad.

My favourite subject is maths. I am really good at it. I really enjoy it but the challenges for me is division. It is hard for me. My goals for this year is to get better at fractions.

I am looking forward to softball. My inspiration is my mum. She was the reason I started playing softball. She also inspired my one of my brothers and sisters and they are really good at it but I might need more training.

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.